If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return it to us for an exchange or refund, subject to the following criteria. a) Item(s) must have been purchased in the last 30 days. b) Item(s) must be returned with the original packaging. c) Both the packaging and item(s) must be in their original condition. Please email us at orders@athosicons.com to begin your return or exchange.
Returns If your refund request is approved based on the criteria stated above, you will be responsible for the cost of return shipping. If you are shipping an item, you should consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We cannot guarantee that we will receive your returned item.
Exchanges If the product you ordered is defective or damaged upon arrival, we will process your exchange at no additional cost. Please email us at orders@athosicons.com to process your exchange.
Refunds Once your return is received and inspected, we will notify you that we have received your returned item(s) and inform you on the status of your refund request based on the criteria stated above. If your refund request is approved, a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment. Late or missing refunds
If you have not received your refund yet, please check your bank account again. Then contact your credit card company, it may take some time before your refund is officially posted. Finally, if you still have not received your refund yet, please contact us at order@athosicons.com.
Gifts If you wish to return an item that was marked as a gift when it was purchased, you may receive store credit for the value of your return. Returned items will be inspected upon receipt and must meet the criteria stated above. If the item was not marked as a gift when it was purchased, or the buyer had the gift shipped to themselves to give to you later, a refund may be processed and the amount will be returned to the original buyer through their original method of payment. The returned items and packaging must meet the criteria stated above.